Home Sweet Home

About 5-6 years I met a guy named John.  I am guessing if John knew the trouble I would give him in this current year, he would have run for the hills.  Am I trying to get him to be my boyfriend, no – he is in a long-term relationship with Erin one of my best friends.  Am I trying to get him to donate a kidney, no – my kidneys are okay for now.  Am I trying to get him to rob a bank for me – no, I have money I am okay there too. 

John is a real estate agent and he is going to drag me through the process of buying my first home kicking and screaming this year.  

I have lived in the same home my entire 32 years.  Yes I lived in Peterborough for University and for a year and a bit with my ex, but my home, with my dad has always been my home.  I always had a room there and I have always come home.  Once my dad passed, once he was suddenly gone, the home on Sedgemount no longer felt like my home.  I have lived there this past two months, feeling like a visitor in a building that is not mine.  It hurts.  This house that has lovingly seen my ups and downs, my highs and my lows isn’t mine anymore – without my dad, I feel homeless.  

It’s very important for me to find a place of my own, a house that I can make a home.  A new place that will watch me and my child and Simba grow together as a unit, a team. 

I am looking to move to Pickering, Ontario.  Scarborough, my current hometown, is just west of Pickering, a new neighbourhood, a new location, it’s what I need.  See that, I am looking at what I need!  

I have been inundating John with emails, phone calls and telepathy to ensure I get what I want.  My list keeps changing.  Now that I have Simba, I must have a fenced-in backyard and I do not want any carpeting ANYWHERE in the house.  I want it move in ready. 

The Scarborough house has been under constant construction for two years and the idea of continuing to live in construction makes me want to pull my hair out and since I am planning on being pregnant by the time I move, it must be move in ready.  I am okay with having to paint – in fact I most likely will paint, (have someone else paint) the entire house. 

I want a modern house, I am not a country girl or an old-fashioned girl, I like clean lines, neutral colours offset by bold designs. I need spacious rooms and there must be closets for days!  When I moved into my dad’s basement he had one of the rooms turned into a closet for me and I have filled up that closet and made my aunt Sharron proud!  

I have lots of ideas on what I want, what I need in a future home.  What did you look for when you went to buy your first home – was it based on a “gut” feeling, were you logical or did you throw your practicality to the wind?? 

Don’t even get me started on mortgages and banks…that’s a whole other rant. 

