I’m sick and under construction

I have had some complaints from friends and family, that I haven’t been blogging, that they have missed my exciting, thought-provoking blogs!  Okay, maybe they just said “dude you need to blog again”.  I do like to think that at times, my writing inspires people to have a conversation, to think and ponder, but to be honest with you the past couple of months have been a bit hectic and for about six weeks now I have had a cold.

I don’t have the flu, I don’t require bed rest or fluids or any special herbal remedy.  I have a stuffed nose and every once in a while my mouth goes completely, uncomfortably dry (from breathing through my mouth).  I have taken allergy pills with the thought that it was allergies (it wasn’t) and I have taken cold and sinus pills (which also didn’t work).  I went to my Doctor yesterday (after she made me wait over 40 minutes in the room) and she has written me a prescription as much as I am not keen on taking antibiotics, I am getting desperate!

The other issue I have had is that my house – that perfect house I bought that I figured needed minimal renovations – has been under construction.  Of course this past summer I had a massive deck installed with a patio area and just for the fun of it I have had my laundry room redone and a gas fire-place installed.  Why not right!?  It has been an exhausting endeavor and my house upstairs and down is a complete mess with  drywall dust which sticks to EVERYTHING. I have even bought a mop and a bucket instead of depending on my swifter wet mop cause it was doing nothing for my floors!  My frustration level is quite high with the mess my house is in.  About that perfect house – to bad it’s owner isn’t satisfied with perfection because now I have dreams and aspirations of a totally different look!  Although look at the fireplace – it’s SO pretty and takes up less space which makes me happy cause I always felt the wall jutting out was weird!

The "before" fireplace

The “before” fireplace


The "after" photo

The “after” photo

I also had the joy of my first holiday in my new place!  Halloween is not my favourite holiday, but it was fun to dress my house up in fall and Halloween decor!  I even carved two pumpkins and dressed up!  It wasn’t that great of an evening because it was pouring rain most of the night and I only had like 20 kids, but I am still happy with the way it went and I look forward to next year!

My "bat" pumpkin that was broken by a two year old

My “bat” pumpkin that was broken by a two year old

Pumpkins can smile right?

Pumpkins can smile right?

Simba totally loves Halloween!

Simba totally loves Halloween!

I promise to try to update more on my blog. I do feel bad, I want this blog to be a success and I am creating my own failure in that journey, but I will take on the task of updating you all on other interesting “Nicole” features soon!

Love Nicole


I’m not all that excited for Halloween


As a little girl, my mother would make my older brother and I costumes, little devil outfits that fit over my snow suit, a boxed robot covered in tin foil for my brother.  Clearly my mother had her opinions of us, but since these were easy for her to make, we accepted it and happily went about getting our candy with our neighbourhood friends.  My father was always the one who would take us out, patiently waiting at the bottom of the driveway for us while we ran up screaming the typical   

Trick or Treat!!!!!

Every house on my street gave out candy except for the creepy guy who put his large, mean dogs out in the backyard as school was getting out and we littles had to pass  to get home.  Facing reality, I NEVER would have gone up to his door anyway and knocked, fearing he would have handed out poisoned apples, but still I felt this was incredibly rude to my four-year old self who was as cute as a button and really just wanted to show up my bright red devils horns along with my long devil tail.

Growing up, I don’t remember dressing up as much.  I cared more about parties and hanging with my friends rather than dressing up to get chocolate and candy.  After I stopped going out, we became that mean house on the street that didn’t had out candy – however the neighbourhood also started to change.  The kids I hung out with were too old to be cute trick or treaters and a lot of the new kids that moved into the neighbourhood didn’t celebrate Halloween and therefore rarely dressed up – sometimes donning a mask or a cape – but just wanting free candy.  We weren’t okay with that. 

I hear you're going as the total dickbag who doesn't dress up

Now as an adult, I hand out candy, to kids, who dress up, who say trick or treat.  If they meet these qualifications they get two or three candy’s.  If they don’t – in a bid not to get my house egged by the older asshole teenagers who think they are “oh so damn cool” – I give them one, and a dirty look.  Yep, I’m THAT girl.

Funny Halloween Ecard: May a flaming bag of feces not appear in your doorway this Mischief Night.

This year, with Simba, he will be dressed up and I bought a cute little Halloween apron that I will proudly wear while tossing candy(s) into the kids bags and buckets.  I am so excited to see what the popular costume is this year and I really hope that some get creative and I pray I don’t see the “Miley Cyrus” foam finger costume because I may not be able to control my annoyance. 

Here's to Miley Cyrus for somehow making all Halloween costumes prior to 2013 look shockingly unslutty.

When little Koko Bean comes, he or she will get dressed up every year – and from the time they are old enough to do so – they will Trick or Treat.  I will take pictures and I will do everything in my power to make this a fun, exciting time for them – because other than being a little devil, I don’t remember much about my past and that seems sad to me.

Truly Terrifying Jack O' Lantern: Pregnant. not so scary for me, but not yet true

